How to conjure Lower Chambers (threads)

Lower chambers are threads in Discord. Lower Chambers allow us to more efficiently corral the relevant workstreams or projects of an Upper chamber. You specify if its an upper or lower chamber via the dimension field.

When you create a new chamber, an update will be shared in #shrine so that the rest of the team is aware of this new chamber.

You need to be a disciple or above to conjure a lower chamber.

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When it comes to creating Chambers and assigning certain roles, the type of chamber/roles you can command depends on your rank role (Acolyte to Master).

  • Masters and Initiates can create Upper and Lower Chambers (channels and threads).

  • Disciples can create Lower chambers (threads), but not Upper chambers (channels).

    • Watchers and Acolytes cannot create any chambers. If they have an idea for a proposal, they should gather support from a Disciple+ to assist with create a Sapling thread under the appropriate Upper Chamber

To create a Lower chamber:

In the relevant Upper Chamber, Type /chamber conjure

  1. dimension: start typing or select Lower, hit enter

  2. name: Type the name of this new lower chamber, hit enter

Note: By default, when a chamber is conjured, the person who conjured the chamber will be set as the MC. You may swap out MCs. In addition, when you conjure a lower chamber, the Upper Chamber MC becomes the Lower Chamber Sponsor.

Once your chamber has been created, you’ll want to build out your team and start progressing the chamber through stages. Read more about all of that here: MC a Chamber

Last updated