Responsibilities during chamber review stages

Chambers move through stages to organise and coordinate work.

An MC does the work in a stage and puts it up for review. Only a Sponsor can approve the review and move the Chamber to the next stage.

These review points are check-in & support points between the MC and the Sponsor.

How to Advance Chamber Stages

First make sure you understand the purpose of each stage so you can correctly assess if the stage has achieved its requirements and is ready to progress.

This information, and the commands Sponsors can use to progress a stage, are here:

What needs to be done for each stage?

These review stages are essential because the Sponsor is tasked with ensuring that the MC and Chamber are working on the right problems in the right way. When doing so, be mindful of the standards we maintain, ask questions to ensure that the team and MC has a clear understanding of what is required, and provide feedback so the team can move forward.

Last updated