Responsibilities in each payment epoch

The Sponsor is the overseer of the Chamber and plays a large role in ensuring that the Chamber receives an appropriate budget.

As Sponsor you have responsibilities throughout the process:

  1. Helping MCs to make Chambers succeed (discussed here and here)

  2. Helping MCs get funding for their chamber (see below)

  3. Approving allocations made by MCs (see below)

  4. Approving the Epoch as a whole (see below, if you are also a Temple Master)

Helping MCs get funding for their chamber

These budgets will be discussed in detail at the Funding Council Meetings. Learn more about these meetings here: How to get funding for your chamber.

Your role is to ensure the right outcome for the whole Temple is achieved, including championing your MC & Chamber where necessary.

Setting Lower Chamber funding

Only a **Sponsor has the ability to set the Lower Chamber funding. If an MC asks you to allocate funds to a Lower Chamber, and you agree its reasonable, you can do the following process:

  1. Navigate to the dApp

  2. Locate the Lower Chamber in which you want to allocate funds

  3. In the Budget column, input the amount of $TEMPLE you would like to allocate to that chamber. A message will display in the top right corner to signal that it has been successfully saved.

When you are finished, let the Lower Chamber MC know that they have received funding and can now allocate to Contributors following the same process as described here.

Approving allocations made by MCs

If you haven’t yet, please read this MC page on payment stages:

How to allocate chamber budget & move through payment stages

Once MCs have made their allocations, you will be asked to review and approve the allocation split. It is encouraged that you allow at least 48 hours for contributors to make comments if they feel the allocations are unfair.

If no comments are made and the allocations look reasonable to you, then you may move the Chamber to the Approved stage by clicking the Advance Funding Stage to approvedbutton at the bottom of the table.

Expand this list to see the brief description of each chamber payment stage

Open - Chamber earns its funding. Including:

  1. Chamber does work

  2. Council meets and allocates funding to chambers

  3. MCs allocate funding to contributors and lower chambers (see below on this page)

  4. MCs move chamber from Open to Review by clicking the Advance Funding Stage to Review button at the bottom of the table.

Review - Chamber is ready for Sponsor to review allocations

  1. Allocations are frozen during Review stage

  2. Sponsor engages with MC & team to ensure allocations are fair

  3. Sponsor moves chamber from Review to Approved by clicking the Advance Funding Stage to approved button at the bottom of the table.

Approved - Numbers are frozen; there is no going back

Upper Chambers with Lower Chambers Approval Flow

  1. You cannot approve the Upper Chamber until all Lower Chambers are approved, so if an Upper Chamber has lower chambers, you will need to start by reviewing and approving the allocations of the lower chambers.

  2. Once the lower chambers have been Approved, you can approve the Upper Chambers.

How to revert funding stages

There will be times where a Chamber needs to revert to the previous funding stage in order to make modifications to the allocations. Only Sponsors can revert funding stages from Approved → Review → Approved.

Reverting chamber stages is very simple:

  1. Navigate to the dApp.

  2. Locate the chamber that you need to revert.

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click the “Revert funding stage to Review/Open”

Note: if you have an Upper Chamber in approved and you need to revert a lower chamber funding stage, you will need to move the Upper Chamber to Open funding stage before reverting your lower chamber.

Stepping in for an absent MC to complete a chamber payment epoch

If an MC is not present and a chamber payment epoch must be completed, it is best to step in for the MC rather than let contributors go without pay.

To do this, play the role of the MC as described here:

How to allocate chamber budget & move through payment stages

Approving the Epoch as a whole

Epochs (and Chambers) move through four stages: Open, Review, Approved, Processed.

It is the Temple Masters job to move the whole Epoch through these stages once the Chambers themselves have all been Approved.

  1. Open - Epoch is in progress.

    1. Chamber are doing work. Council meeting decides funding for upper chambers. MCs allocate funding to contributors and lower chambers. Sponsors approve chamber funding allocations.

    2. Only Temple Masters can advance/revert stages

    3. Click Advance Epoch to Review

  2. Review - All Chamber budgets and allocations are frozen to ensure that Masters can review everything. This is a counter balance to ensure nothing goes off the rails in the short-term.

    1. Once everything looks good, the Masters can move the whole Epoch to Approved.

    2. Note - If you need to update a chamber budget or someone’s allocation, change the epoch status back to open.

    3. Allocations are frozen during Review stage

    4. Only Temple Masters can advance/revert stages

    5. Click Advance Epoch to Approved to advance to Approved or Revert Epoch to Open to revert to Open.

  3. Approved - Numbers are frozen; there is no going back

    1. The numbers are correct and payments are ready to be disbursed.

    2. Only Temple Masters can advance/revert stages

    3. Click Advance Epoch to Processed to signal payments have been sent or Revert Epoch to Review to revert the epoch status.

  4. Process - Payments have been sent. The epoch is complete.

Last updated