How to review your To-Dos & respond to a sponsor request

Sponsors act as mentors to MCs. They provide oversight for a Chamber and help ensure that each chamber achieves the goals for TempleDAO as a whole. The sponsor acts as a coach through the lifecycle of a project ans is someone who knows what a viable and successful project looks like as well as someone who can tell when things are going awry.

To view your To Do’s:

Type /scry anywhere in Discord

To accept your sponsorship

In this example, the user was elected-as-sponsor. If they choose to accept, they would:

  1. Navigate to that chamber and type /chamber summon hit tab

  2. Type sponsor for the role

  3. Type your name for who

Note, if you are elected to be a sponsor and you are not a master, you will need a master to promote you. Typically sponsors are masters but don’t have to be.

In addition, for more information on being a good Sponsor, please read: Sponsor a Chamber​

Last updated