How to bless other team members

The Temple was founded during the Fire Ritual on a principle of making contributions and being recognised for them. The same principles underpin our governance mechanics.

Blessings can be made at any time to any Templar. They should be used generously to appreciate people both for the person, and so other Templars can observe the sweet work of others.

Blessings have no formal tie-in to compensation - however they are visible to MCs and will be qualitatively considered in the compensation allocation process.

All blessings are visible in the #shrine in Discord as well as on the Temple Council dApp.

To Bless someone:

Type /bless and hit spacebar or tab.

Once you hit spacebar or tab, Discord will prompt you to complete the following three arguments.

  1. who : start typing the name of the templar you wish to bless, hit enter

  2. degree : how big a blessing? there are three levels: Nod, Bow, and Worship.

  3. note : please leave a comment explaining what the blessing is for.

Click here to read more about the location of your blessing

By default:

  1. If you bless from an existing chamber, the chamber context is saved in the blessing.

  2. If you bless outside of an existing chamber, it is a “global” blessing.

To Undo a Blessing you just made

Simply type /unbless and hit enter.

This command can be used to undo a blessing given in last 30 minutes.

To View Blessings

This command allows you to view all past blessings, who they were granted to, and which chamber they were granted from.

Note you can also visit the #shine or the dapp to see all blessings.

Last updated