How to get paid

Since the Fire Ritual, Templars have made contributions and the DAO gives back in return. In other words, TempleDAO pays for results not intent.

For this reason, it is expected that Templars will make contributions before asking for compensation. A new chamber is expected to make some progress before funding is allocated to it.

Getting budget for your chamber

Once a chamber feels it has sufficient credibility, the MC can join the Funding Council call described on the MCs page here:

How to get funding for your chamber

These calls occur every epoch (currently every two weeks) and follow a process to allocate a budget to each active chamber. The budget is discussed and set each epoch.

Receiving payment for work in a chamber

Once a chamber has budget, it is up to the MC to allocate that budget based on contributions made over the last epoch (two weeks).

The MC and Sponsor move a chamber through three payment stages each epoch. These are:

  1. Open - work being done

  2. Review - MC has proposed an allocation of budget to contributors

  3. Approved - Sponsor has approved the allocation

  4. Paid - payment has been made for the epoch

For more details see the MCs page: How to allocate chamber budget & move through payment stages

Having a say in how much you earn

It is important to maintain a sense of if the MC is seeing and valuing your contributions. It is best to bring this up earlier than later:

Hey, am I on track? Am I making a valuable contribution here?

However it’s still possible to be surprised once a draft allocation is made. If so, talk with the MC and Sponsor before the allocation is Approved. It will be up to the Sponsor to hear concerns and judge the way forward.

And… remember that it’s only for two weeks and adjustments can be made as we go. Be upfront with communication with the MC and make sure everyone’s expectations are clear.

Seeing how much you earn

You will be able to view your payment and budget information on the Temple Governance dApp.

If you are a member of a Chamber team, you will only be able to see your own compensation amount. For Chambers where you are not a team member, you will only be able to see the chamber total.

Last updated