How to build your team

You are MC of a chamber, you’re going to need some help.

You need:

  1. A Sponsor

  2. Contributors

To Summon a Sponsor

To elect your sponsor type: /chamber summon and hit tab or space.

Here you will be presented with two additional arguments:

  1. Role - this is the role to be summoned, select sponsor-elect

  2. Who - this is who to summon into the role. Anyone can be a sponsor, but currently only Masters can summon Sponsors.

Before electing them, we recommend reaching out to your chosen Sponsor via the chamber or DMs to discuss if they are able and willing.

To summon contributors - who are already in the team (Acolyte+)

In the Chamber where you need team members, type /chamber summon and tab/space:

You have the same two arguments:

  1. Role - this is the role to be summoned, select contributor

  2. Who - this is who to summon into the role, type the name of your sponsor

To summon contributors - who are not yet in the team (Watchers)

There may times where you need to bring someone in who is not a current member of the team. For example, if you need someone for a consult or to perform a temporary task. In this case, the MC is able to bring on a Watcher.

A Watcher is like an acolyte on a time-based trial. It gives a person just enough access to start contributing. They will have access to all enclave-chambers (including the private ones) and Temple Release chambers, and that’s it.

Click here here to learn more about the time-trial for Watchers

Since this role is a trial-based role, it will have a 30-day time period for the trial. When this time frame elapses, a Watcher can be renewed for another 30 days, promoted to Acolyte, or the role can be removed and they can descend back to Member. When a Watcher is summoned, after 30 days, Observance will post a notification to peopleops-chamber. At that point it should be decided whether to extend the watch, dismiss, or promote.

To summon a Watcher:

In the Chamber where you’d like to assign the Watcher, Type/watcher summon and tab/space:

  1. Who - start typing the name of the user you would like to assign, hit enter

2. Note - input the reason for adding this watcher, hit enter

To view all assigned Watchers:

Type /watcher scry

To dismiss a Watcher:

Type /watcher dismiss

  1. who: type the name of the Watcher you’d like to dismiss, hit enter

  2. note: add a note on why you are dismissing them, hit enter

To dismiss team members

There may be times where you need to dismiss team members.

Type /chamber dismiss

  1. who: type the name of the user you’d like to dismiss, hit enter

Last updated