Guide for MCs

As an MC, you hold the most important role in a chamber. You are ultimately responsible for making sure the chamber has impact.. but that’s not all.

You’re also chief coordinator of the project through the stages, champion of the chamber in payment allocation, and responsible for bringing in the right people to do the work.

These are the relevant functions for an MC:

​1/ How to build your team​

​2/ What needs to be done for each stage?​

​3/ How to recognize team members & share information w/ the DAO​

​4/ When and How to create Chambers​

​5/ How to get funding for your chamber​

​6/ How to allocate chamber budget & move through payment stages​

If you are an MC and you need to do something that’s not listed above, please reach out to Doc Peppercorn and we will expand the documentation.

Last updated