How to recognize team members & share information w/ the DAO

As an MC it is important to not just bring on team members and get work done, but help team members be appreciated for the work they do and share your progress with the rest of the DAO.

This page explains how to do this in the DAO Games:

  1. How to bless the team

  2. How to update chamber information

  3. How to ensure the DAO knows what you’re up to

How to bless the team

The Temple was founded during the Fire Ritual on a principle of making contributions and being recognised for them. As an MC, its important for you to lead this practice and acknowledge members of your team making great contributions.

The best way to do this is by blessing your team. This acknowledges and shares the great work with the rest of the Temple via the #shrine and DAO Games dapp.

How to Bless other team members

How to update chamber information

Each chamber has a bunch of useful metadata that can be updated in order to quickly and easily share information with the team. This tagged information should be kept up to date by the MC through the lifecycle of the project.

Aside from the name property, most of the properties you can set are related to Stages. To get an in-depth overview of what is required for each stage, please read What needs to be done for each stage?

Please review How to learn about a Chamber (view chamber details) for more information on review these chamber details.

To update chamber information:

Type /chamber update in the thread/channel and select the relevant property you want to update.

Each property has a prompt to help you populate the information

  1. Name: Type the name, hit enter

  2. why: Type the answer to, “Why will this proposal help TempleDAO get to its no. 1 goal?”, hit enter

  3. what: type the answer to, “What is the specific concept that is attempting to be done here?”, hit enter

  4. how: Supply a link that contains the specs for what is being done, hit enter

  5. results: Supply the link to a piece of work that is done and being reviewed, hit enter

  6. stage: Start typing or select from the list, hit enter

How to ensure the DAO knows what you’re up to

As the MC, it’s important to ensure the rest of the team at large is aware of the progress you’re making in the chamber. For team-specific updates that you would like to share, craft an announcement so that it can be shared via #announcements-enclave.

Some updates are useful to share with the community. This could be status updates, recent changes to the dApp, or other relevant/important information we should keep them up to date with. At regular interviews, connect with the Temple Whispers team so that they can share your update publically via #announcements.

Last updated