See what’s happening across the DAO

There are two main ways to see the work that is happening across TempleDAO:

  1. #shrine channel


The #shrine channel is visible only to working templars and displays notifications when a team member has been blessed and when a new chamber (upper or lower) has been conjured.

This allows the rest of the team and community to stay up to date on what’s happening across the Temple.

The dApp

The dApp provides a high level overview the representative governance structure set up at TempleDAO. It allows Templars to gain a high level overview of all of the chambers, their team, and budget information.


On the homepage, you have two options:

  1. All Chambers - Go here to dig into chambers

  2. All Templars - Go here to find user profiles

All Chambers

This page gives you a lot of detail at a glance.

What you see here:

  1. Navigation Buttons

    1. Chambers - The page you are currently on.

    2. Templars

    3. Elections

    4. Discord Login

    5. MetaMask Login

  2. All Chamber Epoch Information

    1. Timeline: The start and end date of that epoch

    2. Epoch Status: Open, Review, or Approved

    3. Total Funding: Total funding allocated to that epoch

    4. Funds Remaining: Amount of funding that has not yet been allocated

    5. Contributors: Total funding allocated to contributors

    6. Open / Reviewed / Approved: A counter to denote the amount of chambers that are Open, In Review, or Approved

  3. Filter - When you click on this, a pop-up will display that will allow you to filter the table based on:

    1. Chamber Type (upper or lower)

    2. Chamber Stage

    3. Funding Status

  4. Search - As you begin to type in the search bar, results will automatically display.

  5. Epoch Selector - Choose to view current or historical data

  6. All Chamber Table

    1. Name - Chamber Name. This is a hyperlink, so clicking the name will allow you to inspect the details of that chamber. Scroll down to see learn more.

    2. Dimension- Upper or Lower Chamber

    3. Funding- The amount of funding that chamber has received for that epoch

    4. Funds Remaining - The amount of budget that has not yet been allocated to the team

    5. Funding Stage - This refers to the status of the funding cycle for this epoch:

      1. Open

      2. Review

      3. Approved

    6. Members - This will count the number of total team members. Sponsor, MC, and all Contributors will be counted.

    7. Sponsor - The chamber’s sponsor.

    8. MC - The Chambers MC

Upper Chamber Page

Click on a Chamber to open up more details:

  1. Navigation Buttons

  2. Upper Chamber Information - ie the metadata that MCs have added to the chamber.

    1. Created Date - when the Chamber was conjured

    2. Funding Stage - Inactive, Open, Review, Approved

    3. Total Funding - Funding in $TEMPLE that chamber has received for that epoch

    4. Funds Remaining - The remaining balance of $TEMPLE that has not been allocated

    5. Contributors - The total amount of $TEMPLE that has been allocated to Contributors

    6. Chambers - The total amount of $TEMPLE that has been allocated to Lower Chambers

  3. Search - As you begin to type in the search bar, results will automatically display.

  4. Epoch Selector - Choose to view current or historical data

  5. Upper Chamber Table

    1. Templar - Discord user name

    2. Compensation - The amount of $TEMPLE allocated to that Templar in this Epoch

      1. Note: If you are a member of a Chamber team, you will only be able to see your own compensation amount on the table. For Chambers where you are not a team member, you will be able to see the chamber total.

    3. Role - MC, Sponsor, Sponsor-elect, or Contributor

    4. Last Activity - The time stamp for the last discord message in the Upper Chamber

    5. Activity (All Time) - The activity index all-time for this user within this Chamber

    6. Activity (Epoch) - The activity index for the epoch for this user within this Chamber

    7. Blessing Received - The amount of blessings that Templar has received

    8. Blessings Given - The amount of blessings that Templar has given others

  6. Lower Chamber Table

    1. Name - Lower Chamber Name

    2. Members - Total number of team members in that chamber

    3. Sponsor - The discord ID of the sponsor

    4. MC - The discord ID of the MC

    5. Funding- The total amount of $TEMPLE that lower chamber has received

    6. FundsRemaining - The remaining balance of $TEMPLE that has not been allocated

    7. Funding Stage- This refers to the status of the funding cycle for this epoch: Open, Review, Approved.

Lower Chamber Page

Click on any lower chamber to enter that Lower Chamber page.

You will receive the same details that exist on the Upper Chamber Page.

All Templars Page

This page shows all Templars currently or historically associated with a Chamber (ie are / were a contributor, mc, or sponsor).

What you see here:

  1. Navigation Buttons

    1. Chambers

    2. Templars - The page you’re currently viewing

    3. Discord Login

    4. MetaMask Login

  2. Filter - When you click on this, a pop-up will display that will allow you to filter the table based on:

    1. Chamber Type (upper or lower)

    2. Chamber Stage

    3. Funding Status

  3. Search - As you begin to type in the search bar, results will automatically display .

  4. Templars Table

    1. Templar - Lists the name of the Templar. This is a hyperlink, so clicking on it will bring you to a page that displays their stats.

    2. Enclave - The enclave in which that Templar exists, color-coded.

    3. Rank - The team rank that templar holds

    4. Contributor - The number of Chambers they are currently a contributor

    5. MC - The number of chambers they are currently an MC

    6. Sponsor - The number of chambers they are currently a Sponsor

    7. Last Active - The date in which the Templar was last active in the discord

    8. Blessings Received - The amount of blessings that Templar has received

    9. Blessings Given - The amount of blessings that Templar has given other Templars

    10. All Activity (chambers) - The all time total amount of discord activity across all chambers

    11. All Activity (other) - The all time total amount of discord activity in non-chamber channels

    12. Epoch Activity (Chambers) - The total amount of discord activity in Chambers for the epoch cycle

    13. Epoch Activity (other) -

Individual Templar Page

Each Templar will have their own unique page. It will show Chamber related activity metrics as well as blessing information. This page has all the standard navigation links as well as the ability to search their blessings.

The Chamber information section includes:

  1. Search - Ability to search that Templars chambers. As you begin to type in the search bar, results will automatically display

  2. Chamber - The name of the Chamber in which they are a team member

  3. Role - The role they hold in that chamber

  4. Activity - All time activity in Discord

  5. Activity (Epoch) - Total activity for that Epoch cycle

  6. Last Activity - The date stamp of their last discord activity

  7. Blessings Received - Total amount of blessings received

  8. Blessings Given - Total amount of blessings given to other Templars

Blessing Section

Below the table with Chamber information, you will find a blessings table that provides information on the Blessings received by that Templar. This blessing section includes:

  1. Search - Ability to search that Templars blessings. As you begin to type in the search bar, results will automatically display

  2. Amount - Nod, Bow, or Worship

  3. Comment - Comment received in the blessing

  4. Giver - The Discord ID of the user who gave the blessing

  5. Chamber - The chamber in which the blessing was received

  6. Date - The date stamp of when the blessing was received

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