How to get funding for your chamber

Chambers can be unfunded or funded. If you’d like funding, it will be important to work closely with your Sponsor and explain why the chamber will help Temple get closer to its goals.

This page explains the overall process for how chambers receive funding, and what you should do as an MC to engage with this process.

Funding Council Meetings are how you receive chamber funding

Every two weeks, the Funding Council Meeting is where MCs and Sponsors meet to:

  1. Review the work in progress across all chambers

  2. Prioritize the work

  3. Fund each Upper Chamber

During this meeting, we will discuss all of these things, farm for dissent, vote on funding, and walk away with a better understanding of progress being made in each Chamber as well as funding amounts for each chamber.

The high-level process of the meeting is as follows:

  1. There is a fortnightly amount of DAO tokens available for funding of each Upper Chamber. This is set by masters for now. In future, we will implement a new governance process.

  2. This amount of DAO tokens will be split among all Upper chambers through voting of the Funding Council. The Council includes all Upper Chamber MCs and Sponsors.

  3. Voting will occur during the Funding Council meeting. Prior to the meeting each MC and Sponsor gives weights to each Upper Chamber. These weights represents their vote for how funding should be split.

  4. During the Funding Council call, we will start by having each MC making a brief statement highlighting their progress and needs. MCs may attempt to lobby & justify increased funding.

  5. During this process MCs and Sponsors may adjust their votes. Once the call has ended, votes become locked in place.

  6. Weights on each upper chamber are averaged across all MCs and Sponsors. Funding is then allocated to each upper chamber in accordance with the average of weights.

  7. MCs now have their funding and can allocate to contributors & lower chambers. Read more about that here: How to allocate chamber budget & move through payment stages

What you should do at a Funding Council Meeting

Ideally your chamber would have progressed to the How-Review stage or above before being presented to the Temple Council. Larger projects earlier stages may be considered, but its best to have clarity on what and how you’re doing it so the council can have confidence and enough information to be able to vote.

Your first meeting

You will be given the opportunity to present your chamber very briefly (these are fast calls). Give a quick overview of the “Why”, “What” and “How” of your chamber and direct people to links of any work that has already been done to date. Give indications on what the required team is and what kind of scale of budget you’re considering (eg, similar to chamber X).

Future meetings

At every subsequent council meeting, you should give an update on the progress of your chamber, particularly if anything has changed.

If you require more or less budget let that be known. If anything has changed re progress or timelines, let that be known.

Your fortnightly budget will change based on the perceived relative importance of your chamber vs everything else happening in Temple, so its important to keep your communications up throughout the fortnight as well as be concise and clear during the meeting.

Last updated