Enclaves and Chambers

The five TempleDAO Enclaves are found below. As mentioned in the previous section, each Enclave has a particular specialty, so Templars should familiarize themselves with the focus areas of each and choose which Enclave resonates most with them. Inside each Enclave exist “Chambers”. Chambers are where work takes place in TempleDAO, and they serve to provide finer granularity to the ongoing day-to-day work tasks. Let’s dive into what each Enclave does, which Chambers live within them, and what types of Templars they attract.

Enclave of Chaos

Those that thrive on disorder, trolling, social media, Discord engagement, and naturally create an uncontrollable fire that spreads into all areas of the Temple will find their home in the Enclave of Chaos.


  • Marketing

  • Community Engagement (Discord)

  • Social Media (Twitter, Telegram)


  • Marketing

  • Community-Chamber

Enclave of Mystery

Those who love to create music, art, memes, video, sacred poetry, or metaverse landscapes will find their fellow artists and dreamers inside the Enclave of Mystery. Mystery’s uniqueness as an Enclave is that at the top level, it is itself also considered a Chamber.


  • Lore & rituals

  • UI/UX Design

  • Video & audio production


  • Mystery-discussion

  • Lore

  • Nexus

Enclave of Logic

Those who are inspired by the ever-evolving discussions of DeFi product design, monetary policy, data-driven tools that inform policy and mechanics, and governance models will find fellow like-minded individuals in the Enclave of Logic.


  • Policy Discussion

  • Analytics and Modeling

  • Treasury Investment

  • Roadmap R&D

  • Protocol Market Research


  • Treasury

  • Analytics

Enclave of Order

Those who wish to help navigate the great ship of TempleDAO to keep the energies and people aligned so we can strive together to reach our sacred destination, and who find fulfillment in organizing the Temple works, orchestrating rituals, and facilitating efficient collaboration will be warmly welcomed in the Enclave of Order.


  • Human Resources (HR)

  • Operations

  • Administration Support


  • PeopleOps

  • Guardians

Enclave of Structure

Those that work meticulously to build, automate, and implement systems, who push the boundaries of smart contract, 3D experiences, and Discord to Chain integration will collaborate with their fellow builders in the Enclave of Structure.


  • Smart Contracts

  • Front End Development

  • Discord to Chain Integration

  • Dev Ops


  • Structure-members

  • Structure-team-t

Last updated