How to allocate chamber budget & move through payment stages

You are an MC and your chamber received funding via this process:

How to get funding for your chamber

You need to allocate it to contributors, and if your upper chamber has lower chambers, you may need to allocate some funding there too.

To do this, you need to move your Chamber move through payment stages towards payment. This occurs both for Chambers, as well as for the payment Epoch as a whole.

Chamber Funding Stages

An epoch is a payment period. Epochs are currently two weeks long.

We have chosen short epochs to iterate and ensure tight communications and focus on work plus to ensure DAO Games feedback surfaces quickly and is resolved.

In each epoch, chambers receive funding and that funding is allocated to contributors.

This process moves chambers through Funding Stages and is described below:

  1. Open - Chamber earns its funding. Including:

    1. Chamber does work

    2. Council meets and allocates funding to chambers (see prior page for details)

    3. MCs allocate funding to contributors and lower chambers (see below on this page)

    4. MCs move chamber from Open to Review by clicking the Advance funding stage to review button at the bottom of the table.

  2. Review - Chamber is ready for Sponsor to review allocations

    1. Allocations are frozen during Review stage

    2. Sponsor engages with MC & team to ensure allocations are fair

    3. Sponsor moves chamber from Review to Approved by clicking the Advance funding stage to Approvedbutton at the bottom of the table.

  3. Approved - Numbers are frozen; there is no going back

How to allocate to contributors

Once your chamber has funding on the frontend dapp <link>, you are now able to allocate $TEMPLE to contributors.

  1. Navigate to the dApp

  2. Locate the chamber in which you want to allocate funds to contributors

  3. Next to each Contributors name, there will be a compensation input. Type the amount of $TEMPLE you would like to allocate to each contributor. You will see a success message in the top right corner to let you know your input values have saved.


Now you need to signal to your Sponsor that you’re done and ready for review. This is done by changing the chamber funding stage from Open to Review by clicking the Advance funding stage to Review button at the bottom of the table.

Note that once you set the status to review, the contributions will not be able to be changed. If you need to make changes, ask the Sponsor to set the status back to Open. See How to revert funding stages below.

How to allocate to lower chambers

If you MC a large / complex chamber, you likely have Lower Chambers (threads) where significant chunks of work are completed. You may choose to allocate budget to these Lower Chambers directly, and let the Lower Chamber MC allocate funds to their own contributors.

Note, it is equally fine to run multiple threads and just allocate to all the contributors on threads directly from the upper-chamber budget. You may choose to delegate down to lower-chamber MC if the project is large enough that you can’t be close to who deserves what allocation in each thread.

The Upper Chamber MC becomes the Lower Chamber sponsor by default. This allows the Upper Chamber MC to allocate funding not only to contributors, but also to lower chambers.

Remember that the Upper Chamber MC is by default the lower chamber sponsor.

A Sponsor has the ability to set the Lower Chamber funding.

  1. Navigate to the dApp

  2. Locate the Lower Chamber in which you want to allocate funds

  3. Input the amount of $TEMPLE you would like to allocate to that chamber in the Budget column on the table. You will see a success message in the top right corner to let you know your input values have saved.

When you are finished, let the Lower Chamber MC know that they have received funding and can now allocate to Contributors following the same process as described above.

How to revert funding stages

There will be times where a Chamber needs to revert to the previous funding stage in order to make modifications to the allocations. Only Sponsors can revert funding stages from Approved → Review → Approved.

Reverting chamber stages is very simple:

  1. Navigate to the dApp.

  2. Locate the chamber that you need to revert.

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click the “Revert funding stage to Review/Open”

Note: if you have an Upper Chamber in approved and you need to revert a lower chamber funding stage, you will need to revert the Upper Chamber to Open funding stage before reverting your lower chamber.

Epoch Payment Stages

While each Chamber has payment stages, the Epoch as a whole goes through the same process.

To manage the logistics across the DAO as a whole, epochs have four stages.

In brief:

  1. Open - Epoch is in progress and chambers can be allocated funding

  2. Review - Chamber funding amounts are frozen for review by Temple Masters

  3. Approved - Chamber funding has been approved by Temple Masters and payments are in progress

  4. Processed - The Epoch’s payments have all been made

Temple Masters move epochs through each stage. For more detail see this Sponsor page.

Last updated