How to help your MC & Chambers

As a Sponsor, you are the mentor to the MC and responsible for ensuring the Chamber is kept on the rails.

Tips on being a good Sponsor

The Sponsor is ultimately an overseer for the Chamber. While this role holds power, your job is to empower the MC. Your role is not necessarily to do the work or make the decisions in a Chamber, but to ask the right questions and be a servant-leader to the MC.

The MC’s main job to ensure the Chamber adds value to the Temple. This includes working on the right problems, moving quickly towards the solution, executing good work, ensuring comms is on point, and that the team is in a good place.

The Sponsor’s main job is making sure the MC does their job.

You should check in with your MC often. Ask them questions. Inspect their timelines. Ensure they have the right team. Help them think outside the box and ask probing questions. Make sure everyone has a clear understanding and proper expectations.

As you do this, you will be responsible for approving Chamber progress through stages. In doing so, you uphold the standards of TempleDAO and provide the final checkpoint to ensure the right problem is solved in the right way.

Make sure you understand the DAO Games

As a Sponsor you also uphold the standards of our governance and the way we work.

To do this, you need to be an expert in the workings of the DAO Games. You will be providing support to MCs on both process and the problem.

Please be very familiar with all elements of the DAO Game from a contributor and an MC perspective so you can guide your MC correctly:

Contribute to a Chamber

MC a Chamber

Last updated