How to learn about a Chamber (view chamber details)

Each chamber has a bunch of metadata tagged to the chamber, which is kept up to date by MCs and Sponsors through the chamber lifecycle. This information summarizes the chamber’s purpose, stage, relevant links, and key people.

To see chamber information

Type /chamber scry and hit enter, in the thread/channel you wish to inspect.

The information shown in the box:

  1. Top Chamber Info -

    1. Thread/channel name - duh

    2. Stage - see this page for a description of each stage of a chamber

    3. Dimension

      1. Upper = channel = large project

      2. Lower = thread = sub-project of an upper chamber

  2. Raison d’etre - the reason for existing. Each stage requires:

    1. Why - Explains why this chamber was proposed and it’s intended objectives (must be complete to pass the Why stage)

    2. What - Explains what the idea is crisply & succinctly (must be complete to pass the What stage; include links if necessary)

    3. How - Explains the specs of the work & process to deliver it (must be complete to pass the How stage; must include links)

    4. Results - Provides links to the end outcome of the chamber (must be complete to pass the Results stage; must include links)

  3. Key people information at the bottom -

    1. Sponsor - Master responsible for oversight and support of the MC

    2. MC - Leader responsible for the chamber achieving its objectives

    3. Contributors - you must be in this list in order to be paid (but being in the list does not guarantee payment, that’s at the discretion of the MC and Sponsor)

Last updated